Tuesday, September 12, 2006

New@semi-fluent.com: Automatic Vocabulary List Creation

My little language learning site semi-fluent.com is growing.

For those who missed it, the concept behind the site is simple: paste in a foreign-language text from anywhere on the internet, select your preferred dictionary, and you'll get that same text with every word hyperlinked into the dictionary. It's a great way to train one's reading knowledge.

In its newest version any words the user clicks will be added to a vocabulary list and sorted from most to fewest number of clicks. The list is accessible through a button at the bottom of a typical study page.

I wish I had this when I was still in school.

I have reached the limits of my linguistic knowledge so I distrust my ability to judge the usefulness of bilingual dictionaries in languages with which I am unfamiliar. If anyone wishes to test new languages, let me know.

Any feedback on the site, as well as advice for publicizing it, would be much-appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Any chance that semi-fluent.com will return, or is it gone forever?

Kevin J. Jones said...

Because of illness and work, I was so unable to admin the site I had to let it go under. I am pleased that some people found it useful, perhaps I will try to recreate it.

I am considering whether it would be possible to create a web browser extension that would have the same features.

Anonymous said...

^ That would be great. I haven't found anything to replace the site.