Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Aviational Folly

"United Airlines will officially mothball its problem-plagued $700 million automated baggage system at Denver International Airport this fall and revert to transporting luggage the old-fashioned way: manually."
-Baggage System Sacked, Rocky Mountain News

Gah. I know taxpayers put a whole lot of money into this, and of course the DIA project got Mayor Pena his elevation to Secretary of Transportation. I wonder just how many political lackeys got that money. I have a relative in the Denver Auditor's office, and apparently odd deals are still being done at DIA. Lufthansa had a verbal agreement with the Denver mayor's office for some sort of arrangement, but that of course caught the auditing office's attention when they finally learned about it. It was chalked up to the mayor confusing governance with business, where such verbal agreements are allegedly de rigeur.

On a vaguely related note, somehow I never heard about the DIA conspiracy theories, represented on such sites as this one and this one. I remember a minor controversy over some odd murals, but nothing else. Apparently the friggin' Masons have an official plaque there, which makes me wonder how much taxpayer funding their members' network got its hands on.

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