Thursday, July 28, 2005

Get your Hollywood Rumors Here!

But Scientology not only has a base in Hollywood, it has enjoyed powerful friends in Washington. For years, Scientology fought a battle with the IRS because the government would not recognize its claim to be a religion. The IRS finally granted Scientology its desired status under President Bill Clinton, the recipient of massive donations from Hollywood.

Now it gets more interesting: Clinton helped the Church of Scientology in return for John Travolta, a member of Scientology, softening up his portrayal of the Clinton character in Primary Colors! Clinton and Travolta cut a deal. Travolta agreed to go easy on Clinton in the movie Primary Colors and Clinton reportedly agreed to use his influence to get the German government to leave Scientology alone.

Cliff Kincaid, Tom Cruise Vs. Mel Gibson, Accuracy in Media

This would make a great story, but I doubt if there's any basis for this. For one, Travolta doesn't seem to have had much creative control of the project. But the ways of Washington and the ways of Hollywood are all mysteries to me.

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