Sunday, June 15, 2008

Can voters kill the EU?

I consider myself fortunate not to have to concern myself with European Union debates, such as that surrounding the Lisbon Treaty. What little I know of the controversy inclines me to the Euroskeptical side.

My skepticism only increases upon reading an eerie news show transcript, produced in the aftermath of the recent Irish anti-Lisbon vote, in which a journalist asks a Eurocrat how voters might avoid interminable do-overs (interminable, I suspect, until the first pro-EU vote is reached and then made irrevocable).

The conversation, apparently from the BBC's Newsnight, was reproduced at Ex Laodicea:
Journalist: Your boss, Jose Manuel Barroso, says the treaty’s not dead, it’s still alive. Can you explain to voters what they would have to do, to kill it?

Eurocrat: [3 sec pause] I think first of all if we are serious about democracy I think we have to understand why the Irish people voted no. That must be sort of the first stage, and this is what the Irish and what we will contribute to do until the heads of state and governments meet.

J: Presumably they voted no because they don’t like the treaty, but your boss is saying it will go on.

E: Well you don’t know that

J: I’m just I’m just asking you what would they have to do, not to have it?

E: I think you just have to find out, and i think the Irish government will make the analysis and we will through the europe parliament try to find out more

J: But is there anything

E: after the french and the dutch votes as well and the answers were very different actually if you compare what the voters in france and in the netherlands said

J: Well they said no. [Talking across each other a lot]

J: But is there *anything* voters can do? In a democracy.

E: In a democracy then you listen to the concerns and you see is there anything we can do do meet these concerns …

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the wee mention. However, while on our blog, the transcription was made and posted byour esteemed friend Cath of ninetysixandten.