Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Dennett Diplomatically Backpedals

[Daniel] Dennett claimed that Darwin had shredded the credibility of religion and was, indeed, the very “destroyer” of God. In the question session, philosophy professor Jeff Jordan made the following observation to Dennett, “If Darwinism is inherently atheistic, as you say, then obviously it can’t be taught in public schools.” “And why is that?” inquired Dennett, incredulous. “Because,” said Jordan, “the Supreme Court has held that the Constitution guarantees government neutrality between religion and irreligion.” Dennett, looking as if he’d been sucker-punched, leaned back against the wall, and said, after a few moments of silence, “clever.” After another silence, he came up with a reply: He had not meant to say that evolution logically entails atheism, merely that it undercuts religion.

Stephen Barr, First Things Blog

Humorously disingenuous. It is very curious that he seems to not have thought of this objection before. I wonder if this will put a damper on Dennett's proselytizing for a world where the lame don't walk and the blind don't see and what's dead stays that way.

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