Tuesday, June 04, 2002

For the record, here are condemned Jansenian positions:

  • Some of God's commandments are impossible to just
    men who wish and strive (to keep them) considermg the
    powers they actually have, the grace by which these
    precepts may become possible is also wanting;
  • In the
    state of fallen nature no one ever resists interior grace;
  • To merit, or demerit, in the state of fallen nature we
    must be free from all external constraint, but not from
    interior necessity,
  • The Semipelagians admitted the
    necessity of interior preventing grace for all acts, even
    for the beginning of faith; but they fell into heresy in
    pretending that this grace is such that man may either
    follow or resist it;
  • To say that Christ died or shed His
    blood for all men, is Semipelagianism.

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